Welcome! As much as I hate to toot my own horn, somebody's got to toot it. Right?

My photo
chicago, IL, United States
I'm an artist/writer/recovering adman who now uses my creative "powers" for good -to create a better world, starting here in the U.S.A. I created this blog to give potential clients, collaborators and customers a small smattering of what I do. To find out more, email me at lowelltho@gmail. Although I spent most of my adult life creating ads and commercials for some of America's biggest companies, Around 2000, I began building a new career as a artist/writer/recovering adman. I think of myself as a Creative Catalyst. I instigate new ways of looking at (and solving) old problems, spending most of my time on race relations and other social causes.

Friday, September 2, 2022


Here's a preview of the documentary Cotton Stevenson and I are producing about the birth of the Black Admaker

Sunday, November 17, 2019


NO, but it's a start.

If you don't buy the idea that the human race can be divided into "blacks" and "whites", buy - and wear - my button.

I created it to give people like you a voice...a voice that's seldom heard above the shouts of the small but rabid group of white supremacists who dominate the media. Contact me at lowellt@hotmail.com to find out how to get yours.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Welcome to my world. This blog is the easiest way I can think of - so far - to give folks an idea of what I do...and have done...for a life and a living since I was 20 years old.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Although I'm still futzing around (yeah, I said "futzing". This is a family-friendly blog) with it, this is my first draft of the portrait I'm doing of Buena Park. It's also the first in my AllMericans Project, where I choose and portray those communities that best represent my idea of the next America.

Just click on the poster to find out more.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Hey! It's embarrassing to admit, but I forgot I created this blog a few years ago. I only found it this morning because I was googling myself (it's not a sin) and I stumbled across it.

Which is great because I've been pretty busy since I started this thing, so I'll start updating it...soon. But first, I've got a few other proverbial fish to fry. See ya...soon.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Lowell Thompson Creates

After over 40 years of creating for a living, I guess it's about time for me to wrap it up.

No, no. I don't mean quit. I just mean to sorta put in perspective my progress (or lack thereof) so far.  For years, when I was in the ad game, I carried around a portfolio. It was fun to pick out the stuff I liked best and present it to prospective employers. But in those days, the maximum recommended "samples" was about 12 - 16. Of course, I never adhered to the rules, so I usually had a few more...maybe 18-24 pieces.

As I got experience in creating and producing TV spots, my "book" expanded to include a "reel" - in my early days, a 16 millimeter spool of film which contained stuff my creative partner and I had been able to convince some poor client to actually spend thousands of dollars to produce and hundreds of thousands to run.

Sometimes I'd also throw in a few storyboards of ideas that never got beyond the politics of the agency or client. But since storyboards are not as easy to understand - they're like showing blueprints of a building instead of the completed building - I kept them to a minimum.