Welcome! As much as I hate to toot my own horn, somebody's got to toot it. Right?

My photo
chicago, IL, United States
I'm an artist/writer/recovering adman who now uses my creative "powers" for good -to create a better world, starting here in the U.S.A. I created this blog to give potential clients, collaborators and customers a small smattering of what I do. To find out more, email me at lowelltho@gmail. Although I spent most of my adult life creating ads and commercials for some of America's biggest companies, Around 2000, I began building a new career as a artist/writer/recovering adman. I think of myself as a Creative Catalyst. I instigate new ways of looking at (and solving) old problems, spending most of my time on race relations and other social causes.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Although I'm still futzing around (yeah, I said "futzing". This is a family-friendly blog) with it, this is my first draft of the portrait I'm doing of Buena Park. It's also the first in my AllMericans Project, where I choose and portray those communities that best represent my idea of the next America.

Just click on the poster to find out more.