Welcome! As much as I hate to toot my own horn, somebody's got to toot it. Right?

My photo
chicago, IL, United States
I'm an artist/writer/recovering adman who now uses my creative "powers" for good -to create a better world, starting here in the U.S.A. I created this blog to give potential clients, collaborators and customers a small smattering of what I do. To find out more, email me at lowelltho@gmail. Although I spent most of my adult life creating ads and commercials for some of America's biggest companies, Around 2000, I began building a new career as a artist/writer/recovering adman. I think of myself as a Creative Catalyst. I instigate new ways of looking at (and solving) old problems, spending most of my time on race relations and other social causes.

Sunday, November 17, 2019


NO, but it's a start.

If you don't buy the idea that the human race can be divided into "blacks" and "whites", buy - and wear - my button.

I created it to give people like you a voice...a voice that's seldom heard above the shouts of the small but rabid group of white supremacists who dominate the media. Contact me at lowellt@hotmail.com to find out how to get yours.